About Me

I grew up in a small town, often confused with a small communist country in the Caribbean. I am not, in fact, a communist. I make no apologies for my caffeine-addiction; coffee is good for your heart and prevents Alzheimer’s.

I am a “Recovering Baptist.” Her favorite aspect of attending a non-denominational church, is getting to wear jeans to worship services. She’s not bitter. I attended Lancaster Bible College for a year before transferring to SUNY Geneseo. My Bachelor’s Degree is in English Literature.

I am also a professional photographer who dabbles in design and social media management. Currently, she works with after-school tutoring programs as well as adult education.

I love to write, for myself, for others, etc. This blog is one of my more creative outlets. (Another creative outlet you might be familiar with is my work on flannelgraf.tv. No? Not familiar? Then CHECK IT OUT!) I’ve been haphazardly working on a humorous novel, which I’d like to work more seriously on over the next few months. I like to read. I’m hoping to do more of that over the next year.

If you ask Arthur, one of my older friends, he’ll tell you that he’s been praying for a husband for me. I figure I’ll leave that praying up to him. I’d be ok with it, but spending too much time thinking about it can’t be good for me.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for checking in.

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